Monday, June 8, 2009

Installing Top Entrance

A fellow beekeeper at a local meeting suggested that I read some of George Imirie"s papers he wrote on beekeeping. I have to say by reading some of his ideas on beekeeping,it will really make you think about his ideas. He suggested that by adding a top entrance,your field bees don't have to travel the length of the hive to reach the top with their stores they are bringing in. I likes the idea because it also adds ventilation for the hive in hot weather and ventilation to get rid of moisture in the winter. I took the inner covers of both hives and cut an opening in the raised rim on the cover. The opening is about the size of a postage stamp and 3/8 of an inch high. You just have to be sure the top cover is pushed forward to allow for the bees to enter and leave.

1 comment:

  1. when will the honey be ready?? sounds like your doing a great job.
