Monday, May 23, 2011

Latest Pictures of Hives

Looks to be a good year for honey. My hives that came thru the winter at this time has three to five honey supers on them. The small hives are swarms that I caught this year. When I add the next super on one of my hives it looks like I may have to get out the stepladder.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Local Hives as of May 10, 2011

The small hives are the two swarms I captured a couple of weeks ago

The topbar hive I started this year

Hive from another bee yard I started.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Swarms In April

Two of the three swarm that I captured. Homemade swarm bucket worked well.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some of the Items made in 2010

Some of the items we made during the 2010 season. From three hives had about 280 lbs. of honey.

Homemade top bar hive

Made this hive over the winter. Hived with a package of bees. Hive is 48 inches long. At this time I would say half of the bars have comb being built on them. Very little work to do with this type hive, put bees in and let them go to work. Very gentle have not used any smoke to date.